Monday, August 21, 2006

Love Needle Art

Today has been quite a busy day. I spent most of the day running errands. I got the grocery shopping done. When I got home I spent some time in my Sitting Room. I prepared both heart squares and calico garden squares to work on while DH watches tv. We had homemade pizza for supper tonight. His lunch is prepared for tomorrow, chicken salad and crackers and a snack for later. Since it hasn't rained yet DH is mowing the lawn. I am looking foward to our time together this evening. The coffee pot is set up for tomorrow and the kitchen is already cleaned. I will feed Earl and Winnie while he works on the yard so he doesn't have that to worry about. Over all, it has been a good day and I look forward to the evening and tomorrow.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I am heading into the kitchen now to clear up a bit. Then I can stitch with the Duchess