Saturday, March 24, 2007

At Last....At Last

I have finally finished the gifts for Miss Tiff to give to the youth group. Dear Mum said I should not continue to put it off, but what can I say. I can put things off forever.

Dear Daughter has expressed an interest in quilting and joining the local quilting guild. If we can go together it will be a possibility for me.

Better yet...this weekend was our last statewide youthgroup meeting.

I also completed two of my last three classes for my BA degree. I have one more class to go. I am can't wait until I am finished with this and can move on to the next stage...whatever that might be.

I have more pictures to post later...they will show the beauty of spring in Georgia.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What Fills my Time now

These two classes are how I have been spending my time. After this I will have one more class to complete my degree. I never thought at my age I would still be going to school. After the next class I am changing my focus and I will have to return to school. I hope the classes will leave me time for quilting. This is getting!
Ok, enough whinning. I have to go get ready for exams this weekend.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Then it turned cold again

It was warm for a few days and then winter came back for a short visit. I did get some nice pictures of the trees in bloom. There is hope though...warm weather is supposed to return next week.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Dear Merlin

I didn't have time to take a new picture today. I had a busy day starting with a Doctors appointment and then taking DD grocery shopping. After that I came home and cooked supper for Honey before he had to go to a meeting. So today I am posting an old picture of my dear cat Merlin. He is a rescue cat and the first boy cat I ever had. The people that were supposed to get him had him declawed (also something I have never had). He is a loving and playful baby. I protested when we got him but he has been a welcome addition to our home.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My summer haircut

Spring is on the way so I am getting ready. It was time for a haircut so I had an appointment today. Honey suggested I think about something shorter (like I wore in my younger days). Well I had pictures and I took them to my stylist and he agreed. He made some recommendations to make it more modern. Attached is the final outcome.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Another touch of Spring

Even though it is cold outside there are signs all over the yard that spring is coming.