Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Dear Merlin

I didn't have time to take a new picture today. I had a busy day starting with a Doctors appointment and then taking DD grocery shopping. After that I came home and cooked supper for Honey before he had to go to a meeting. So today I am posting an old picture of my dear cat Merlin. He is a rescue cat and the first boy cat I ever had. The people that were supposed to get him had him declawed (also something I have never had). He is a loving and playful baby. I protested when we got him but he has been a welcome addition to our home.


Susan said...

He really is a loving cat. Looks good on that purple afghan...

Angie said...

Merlin looks like our Homer Kitty. Homer is the first boy cat I've ever had too. He's inside at night, and in and out during the day. :D He's a great hunter. :D