Tuesday, November 28, 2006

DH's Thanksgiving/Christmas cactus has started to bloom. It is actually three plants in one and usually blooms from just before Thanksgiving until after Christmas. The different colors in the plants make it beautiful and interesting. It is in a pot with a shrimp plant that blooms all summer. Every year we think it will be the last year for this plant but it continues to thrive.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Well, another long day. We are in MS visiting my DMIL and DSS. We are doing chores for DMIL while we are here. (Those things that are hard for one person to do). It has been going well and we have accomplished a lot. She is really a nice lady and we love her dearly so it is nice to be able to do things for her. I have also been able to spend a lot of time talking with her. I know where Honey gets his sense of humor now. Tonight Honey and I have a date. He promised to take me out for Po'Boys and Gumbo. I have tried to cook them at home, but it just isn't the same. He is spending quality time with DS now (working on a car). I am so glad they have this time together and still enjoy each other's company. More to follow after we got home.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

What a day to be Thankul for.

DH and I got up and headed for Mississippi for Thanksgiving Dinner with his Dear Son and Dear Mom. Most of the dinner was cooked and we took it with us. I finished cooking after we got here and we had a very pleasent meal. "Lil T" was wonderful. Both of us are exhausted so we are resting now. In the morning we will get up and start working at his DM's home.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sparkly Pink Heart Square

This is my latest quilt square. I am ready to start the next one. This project is moving along, unlike some others. Honey and I went to the grocery store tonight. We got all I think we need for Thanksgiving. Of course I will find something that is missing.

Christmas Cactus

Honey's Christmas Cactus has started to bloom. It is actually three plants combined. He has such a green thumb. There was a time when I had a green thumb, but no more. For the last few years I have killed every plant I touched, so I turned plant care over to him.

We are going to visit his Dear Son for the Holiday. I am looking forward to this visit. I am going to prepare the meal to take with us so tomorrow will be a busy day. I always look forward to Mimi's dressing balls.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The latest quilt square

These two quilt squares are the result of a sleepless night. I am learning that if I am not going to be able to sleep to make good use of the time. TV is a vast wasteland so quilting seems to work. The mind only has to focus a little.

Rainy Day in GA

What a dreary rainy day we have here. Since I was not able to sleep last night, I worked on the quilt. I can't wait to show a picture of this quilt square. The background fabric is sparkley! Ok, I have been captured by shiney fabric again.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Finished Projects

I finally finished two projects. This is my first pair of socks. Thanks to Mom for helping me learn. I also finished a shawlet. I unknit twice as much as I knit to finish this. I told Dear Honey to just think of the money I was saving by not having to buy new yarn. Now I am working on a new pair of socks and the pink heart quilt. Mom and I are working on it together and the goal is to have it ready to put together in February.

Sea Horses

Not that you can tell but this is a sea horse. Their camouflage is really amazing. If you looked really close you could see their heads. It was such a great visit with my parents.

From the Aquarium

While my parents were here we went to visit the new aquarium in Atlanta. Dear Honey and I had not been yet so we were really excited. This is my Mom, Dad and Honey.

Monday, November 13, 2006

After a weekend of computer difficulties I am finally on line again. I wasn't feeling well this weekend so not being online wasn't that bad. This morning I was feeling better and started blessing my home. My Dear Mom and I are working on this together (long distance). I worked on laundry and the kitchen so far. The next project is in the Master Bathroom. It is amazing how much you don't need that you can collect in one room. I have a few errands to run but they won't take long. I hope to be able to post pictures later tonight and I have a quilt square to work on tonight. I worked on knitting a sock this weekend. It is coming along pretty well. I am quite pleased. I hope to have this pair finished before the yarn for Dear Honey's socks arrives (don't rush Mama). More to report later after I finish more.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Well the visit from my parents has ended and I am back to the daily schedule. My Mom and I have several ideas to get me on track and keep me there. I hope they work. I have a list of errands to do tomorrow for My Honey. I hope they don't take all day. I would like to spend some time on the pink heart quilt I am working on with Mom. I am really looking forward to February. That is the deadline we set to have the blocks finished.

Mom helped me finish my first pair of socks while she was here. Pictures to follow. I wore them today. I am working on another pair now. Next I will start a pair for My Honey.
Well the visit from my parents has ended and I am back to the daily schedule. My Mom and I have several ideas to get me on track and keep me there. I hope they work. I have a list of errands to do tomorrow for My Honey. I hope they don't take all day. I would like to spend some time on the pink heart quilt I am working on with Mom. I am really looking forward to February. That is the deadline we set to have the blocks finished.

Mom helped me finish my first pair of socks while she was here. Pictures to follow. I wore them today. I am working on another pair now. Next I will start a pair for My Honey.