Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yesteray and today have been very busy! Yesterday my DD came over and spent several hours with me. She is now knitting dishcloths and is doing quite well. She is also showing an interest in quilting and selected a block to complete. She went through some of my stash and selected some fabrics to use for her block. We started setting up a kit and the next time she can visit we will get her started. I am looking forward to sharing my love of needle art with her. I have such fond memories of time spent learning from my Dear Mom.

Today I went to a memorial service for two Soldiers. It was such a moving ceremony and my their families remain in my prayers.

DH and I had lunch together and went for a walk before I came home. Then I started working on our sewing machine and attachments projects.

I hope to have pictures to post later this evening. I am off to cook supper.

1 comment:

tam said...

Oh you are a girl after my own heart!!!

Thank you for finding me!!!

How did you by the way?

Was it through April 1930s, Your Stitchery Friend?

If not did you know that she is the 221/222 Featherweight queen?

She probably has all the attachments and service manuals and all that you would need for your lovely machine (sorry have already forgotten his/her name!)

The 301 you have is also darling...if you were to have two machines, the 221 and 301 would be it...

I will be back to read you also have 1 chance in a drawing I'm can read more about it here:

Thank you again for your sweet comments..

Looking forward to hearing more of your daughters sewing accomplishments!