Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A visit to Ikea

Honey was went with me to the VA hospital and on the way home we stopped at Ikea. We have been there once before and I am amazed at the things they have there.
I think I may have found the perfect cabinet to store my fabric in. It has glass doors. My next step is to measure the area in my sitting room and determine how many cabinets will fit. I am really excited about this project.


His Office, My Studio said...

Speaking of date night, I live about three miles from Ilea, Hubby and I go there for a "money free" date night. We just walk around and look. Both of my sons have Billy bookcases and so do I in my studio. Son #1 name is Billy so it was a joke when we first got him the shelves. Every room in my house has something from Ikea.

Susan said...

Oh, how much fun is that?