Thursday, October 11, 2007

A day at Busch Gardens

Honey and I spent a day at Busch Gardens after he finished his school. We saw Eagles that were rescued after being injured. We also had a chance to feed the birds. They were really friendly! Mostly we walked around site seeing. Honey took a picture of the Roller Coaster I rode. It was fun, but one was enough for me.


Susan said...

Looks like the birds loved you and Robert.

Glad you had a good time. How about bathroom pictures?

His Office, My Studio said...

You are so brave going on that roller coaster.

Rebekah Smith said...

Brave...No..Crazy Yes. But I have to admit it was fun!

Rebekah Smith said...

They will start on the bathroom tomorrow. I will post pictures after they are done.

Yes the birds liked us but mostly because we had food. Who could resist food????