Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Again

For years I have tried to determine my favorite season and holiday. Spring is such a special time when all is Reborn….and Easter when we are all given a chance to be Reborn too. Summer…how could you not like days spent at the lake, creek, river or ocean. Time spent with family and friends when there was no hurry. Fall…. I was born in the fall. For many it is a time when things die. For me it is a time of rebirth. When things go to sleep and rest until the time comes for them to bloom again. Then there is winter when everything seems to rest. We all need to rest. I think this has been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn… take time to rest…not just your body but your spirit. Now I am trying to learn to rest my spirit. It is not easy for me but I am trying. I am blessed to have Dear Mom and Dad, Brother and Family and last but not least my Dear Honey. He is really working hard to make this a Happy Holiday for all. I could not ask for more.

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