Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What a suprise to start my day. I got up and fixed DH's breakfast and packed his lunch. Well while I was in the kitchen our youngest cat Merlin kept trying to get in the foyer closet so I opened the door. Then I went upstairs to get a load of clothes to wash and started back downstairs. Imagine my horrow when I turn on the light and find a dead lizard on the stairs. Now I know why Merlin came in the room and would not be quiet. He was bragging. Of course I was horrified. I swept the deceased out and properly disposed of his remains.

I called Mum and Dad and they offered their sympathy. DH checked again to make sure I was recovered from my shock and horrow.

Well the day can only look up from here. More later.


Susan said...

Oh, that sure gets the old heart racing...........

DH2 said...

DW called me about the great hunter beast and his first big kill, a big step from bugs and spiders. Great Hunter Beast has been prancing all day. DW had to remove the kill, not her best day, but Merlin is very proud.

tam said...

well, you can't take away his joy is his prize and in presenting his love to you in such a large (and dead!) way!

However...at least you don't have to keep it like you might if the cat were a human child!

tam said...

but then I hope the child wasn't gifting you with a dead lizard either...right?

Rebekah Smith said...

Now Lem, You know DM would be most offended if she stepped on a Lizard! I